Emotion is a driving force that generates and transforms, pushing the human spirit to its limits, giving life to something new and often unpredictable. It is precisely from emotion that Mara Bragaglia, who founded Maraismara in 2012, approaches the world of jewellery, transferring all her cultural riches to it. «Emotion was born from a passion that I cultivated from a very young age and to which, at a certain point, I could no longer say no – comments Mara – Even when I began my studies in philosophy, which have certainly influenced my entire career, the desire to create has never abandoned me». In fact, the brand uses Fairtrade certified gold to make each piece of jewellery, being the first certified workshop in Italy to do so. «This certification identifies a type of fair trade that involves jewellery, in my case, but also farming, cosmetics and sport. My choice goes beyond merely using a sustainable material – continues Mara – By using Fairtrade gold, I contribute not only to safeguarding the environment, but also to the livelihood of many communities that work and live in the places where it is mined». The project Mara took part in, organised by the international Fairtrade consortium, promotes precise standards that producers must respect in order to be certified: among others, a minimum purchase price for raw materials, respect for soil biodiversity, the prohibition of forced or child labour and the institution of a Fairtrade Prize, an additional sum of money that the partner company donates to improve the lives and working conditions of farmers and workers. «The certification allows me to offer the end customer a product whose entire supply chain is known and, thanks to Fairtrade, is monitored from extraction to the finished jewel». The ethical path of Maraismara jewellery is further confirmed by the designer’s choice not to use invasive chemicals in production and to use sustainable materials, such as recycled paper, for the packaging too. Maraismara jewels are creations with a strong MARAIS visual impact and deep emotional value. This is because every single piece is born from an idea that takes life around a particular element such as pearls. These gems, almost never the same, give life to unique jewels, impossible to replicate faithfully. One example is the Goethe ring, in which the designer sees herself well represented: «This ring has a special story. It all stems from a Baroque South Sea pearl that is very unusual, both for its size and for the presence of a flatter side. It was precisely from this side, which could be seen as a defect, that I made the ring’s distinctive element: I hollowed out the surface further, and applied a gold plate to it engraved with the translation of a sentence by Goethe: “Love! Love let me go”». A hymn to freedom also underlined by the way the pearl is almost suspended on a light gold frame.
A Millennial and digital native, Mara took her first steps in jewellery thanks to social media and the online world, which continue to be a fundamental tool for the brand’s development. In fact, Maraismara jewellery is available exclusively online, on the brand’s website, and through the Instagram profile @maraismara one can discover all the curiosities and the behind-the-scenes of the creation of a piece of jewellery. «Especially in this last period, the digital world has helped all the companies that were forced to put a computer between themselves and their customers. I was actually born that way and, with the pandemic, I had confirmation that I had made the right choice almost ten years ago by presenting my jewellery through social media». However, the last year and a half has brought other profound changes besides the pandemic. At the beginning of 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union for good. This has inevitably brought consequences, especially in trade. «When Brexit was announced, I decided to move ahead by contacting my suppliers in the UK so that I could fulfil all my orders and place new ones before the official exit came into force. I certainly didn’t decide to abandon them! We are continuing to work together on a precise and detailed order schedule, as shipping is now slower and more expensive. Fairtrade has also recently welcomed the first Italian ethical metal bank, Altro Carato, as a partner. So now I can also buy Fairtrade gold in Italy». As we approach 2022, Mara is preparing to celebrate the brand’s tenth anniversary with new challenges and exciting creative projects. Among these, the idea of a celebratory piece of jewellery that encapsulates sustainable values and, above all, the founding element of Maraismara: emotion.