The passing of Giuseppe Aquilino

Giuseppe Aquilino passed away a few days ago. Born in Bari in 1945, he currently ran the historic family industry, founded in 1860, together with his daughters Rossella and Antonella. In the course of time he had become a true reference point for the whole Italian jewellery industry by virtue of his commitment in local and national trade associations: as president of ASSOORO – Associazione Commercianti e Operatori Orafi Gioiellieri della Provincia di Bari, since 1997; as President of Federazione Nazionale Dettaglianti Orafi di Confcommercio since 2009, in 2012 transforming this Association in what it is today, Federpreziosi Confcommercio – Federazione Nazionale delle Imprese Orafe Gioielliere Argentiere ed Orologiaie Confcommercio, which represents the whole Italian gold ware industry through the local Confcommercio associations. He has always been guided by passion and a deep dedication to the industry, that will remember him asĀ  as a man of principle, devoted to inclusion and solidarity.

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